II. Research Divisions and Areas of Expertise:

  • A. Physics and Engineering:

      1. Particle Physics: Research into fundamental particles, forces, and the nature of the universe.

      1. Quantum Mechanics: Exploring the mysteries of quantum physics and its potential applications.

      1. Theoretical Physics: Developing new theories to explain the universe and its phenomena.

      1. Applied Physics: Translating theoretical concepts into practical applications and developing new technologies.

      1. Engineering and Robotics: Designing and building advanced machinery, robotics, and artificial intelligence.

      1. Energy Research: Developing sustainable and efficient energy technologies, including fusion power.

      1. Space Exploration: Researching and developing technologies for space exploration, including spacecraft, propulsion systems, and communication networks.

  • B. Biology and Biotechnology:

      1. Bioengineering: Modifying organisms and creating new biomaterials.

      1. Genetics and Genomics: Researching the human genome and its implications for healthcare and genetic engineering.

      1. Biomedical Engineering: Developing new medical technologies, prosthetics, and treatments.

      1. Neuroscience: Exploring the brain and its functions, including consciousness, memory, and perception.

      1. Biomechanics: Understanding the mechanics of biological systems and applying them to engineering.

      1. Bioethics: Examining the ethical implications of biotechnology and genetic engineering.

  • C. Chemistry and Materials Science:

      1. Nanotechnology: Developing materials and devices at the nanoscale.

      1. Materials Science: Creating new materials with advanced properties, such as high strength, conductivity, or thermal resistance.

      1. Chemical Engineering: Developing new chemical processes and technologies.

      1. Environmental Chemistry: Researching the impact of chemicals on the environment and developing sustainable chemical practices.

      1. Pharmaceutical Research: Developing new drugs and treatments for diseases.

  • D. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence:

      1. Artificial Intelligence: Developing and researching advanced artificial intelligence systems, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.

      1. Computer Vision: Developing computer systems that can “see” and interpret images and videos.

      1. Robotics: Designing and building advanced robots capable of complex tasks.

      1. Cybersecurity: Protecting computer systems and networks from cyberattacks.

      1. Data Science: Analyzing large datasets and extracting valuable insights.

      1. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Developing immersive virtual and augmented reality experiences.